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Ripley Family Papers

Identifier: MS-2384

  • Staff Only

The Ripley Family Papers, 1811-1930, contain correspondence, legal papers, bill and receipts, and other papers of the members of this Greene County, Tennessee, family.

The bulk of the collection consists of legal papers, primarily those regarding the sale of plots of land. Many belonged to David Ripley and involve other members of the Ripley family who had hired David to handle their legal matters. Some of the earlier legal papers, however, are summons...
to appear in judicial court in Greeneville. These papers are signed by Valentine Sevier, the county clerk.

A small amount of correspondence is included in the collection. The majority of these letters deal with business transactions, such as land deals. A number are between David Ripley and W. R. Ripley of Jackson, David's cousin. A small amount of personal correspondence is also included.

The remainder of the collection contains bills, receipts, and other papers of Ripley family members. The bills and receipts consist mostly of records of sales made or taxes paid by Samuel or David Ripley. Included in David Ripley's other papers are a daybook recording his expenses during the 1840s, loyalty papers from 1866, and handwritten notes from geographic surveying work. Adie Ripley's papers contain a stock certificate for the East Tennessee, Virginia, and Georgia Railroad and a social invitation. Dana S. Ripley's papers contain his military discharge records and a certificate noting his election as Justice of the Peace for Greene County.

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  • 1811-1930

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0.1 Linear Feet (9 folders)


The Ripley Family Papers, 1811-1930, contain correspondence, legal papers, bill and receipts, and other papers of the members of this Greene County, Tennessee, family. The bulk of the collection consists of documents noting the sale of plots of land.

Biographical/Historical Note

Samuel (1793-1846) and Sarah (1797-) Ripley of Greene County, Tennessee, had nine children -- five sons (David, Andrew, Tylgman, Lafayette, and Josephus) and four daughters (Nancy, Cammeline, Sarah Jane, and Sharlotte). David Ripley (1819-1870), a lawyer, married Ada Ripley and they had at least one child, a son named Dana. In 1930, Dana Ripley (1897-1966), who served in the Army during World War I, was elected Justice of the Peace for Greene County.


Collection consists of nine folders.

Acquisition Note

Collection was purchased by Special Collections in August 1995.

Repository Details

Part of the Betsey B. Creekmore Special Collections and University Archives, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Repository

University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Knoxville TN 37996 USA