Champ Ferguson Leaflets
This leaflet consists of a montage of texts surrounding an etching of Champ Ferguson. Across the top is a call from J.D. Hale, dated June 1886, that describes the war crimes of Ferguson and threatens his friends with Divine punishment. Down the left side and across the bottom is a defense of Furguson (sic) that criticizes Hale's actions during the War. Down the right side is a description of one of Ferguson's crimes - burning Hale's Mills, Tennessee... - above a newspaper excerpt about Hale gathering a company of Fentress boys to fight for the Union.
Oh the reverse is a reproduction of a handwritten letter dated April 12, 1868, and it is addressed to John D. Hale in Livingston, Tennessee. It refers to the spirit of Champ Ferguson before vowing to avenge his death. It is signed by the High Command of P.P.P., Lodge no. 1007, and includes other cryptic marks.
The collection includes two copies of this leaflet.
- 1886
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0.1 Linear Feet
This leaflet presents a montage of texts relating to a feud between J.D. Hale and the friends of Champ Ferguson. It includes an etching of Ferguson's photograph, a letter, a newspaper clipping, and other items.
Biographical/Historical Note
Champ Ferguson was born on November 29, 1821, in Kentucky. He was married to Martha Owens and they had at least one child, named Ann Elizabeth. He lived in White County, Tennessee. During the Civil War, he acted as a Confederate guerilla leader, killing civilians that were sympathetic to the Union. After the War, a military tribunal found him guilty of war crimes and hanged him on October 20, 1865.
Jonathan D. Hale was born in New Hampshire, circa 1817. He married a woman named Ferby or Ferba, and they had five children: Jonathan Junior, Sara, Ferba Junior, Gertrude, and Susan Henry. Hale established a mill and store on the Wolf River in 1845, and in 1850 became the postmaster of the town around it. After Ferguson burned this Tennessee town, Hale moved his family to Kentucky until the War was over.
This collection consists of a single folder.
Acquisition Note
Special Collections purchased these leaflets in 2000.
Repository Details
Part of the Betsey B. Creekmore Special Collections and University Archives, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Repository