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Arthur Allyn Letter and Central Hospital for the Insane Publication

Identifier: MS-2222

  • Staff Only

In a November 24, 1862, letter to his father, Arthur Allyn, a soldier with the 14th Army Corps, describes the reorganization of the army, noting that "if the 14th Army Corps engages in a battle of siege you will know my position to be on the right of the 7th Company of the 11th Infantry of the 14th bridge -- 2nd division of the Right Wing." Allyn, who was camped near the Tennessee Hospital for the Insane just south of Nashville, also discusses "an... old Secesh gentleman cashier of the Planters Bank who invites me regularly to meals & will not take pay, a thing unheard of before in the annals of the war."

Also included in the collection is the January 1897 published biennial report of the Trustees, Superintendent and Treasurer of the Central Hospital for the Insane near Nashville, Tenn.

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  • 1862, 1897

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0.1 Linear Feet (1 folder)


This collection contains a November 24, 1862, letter from Arthur Allyn, a Union soldier stationed near Nashville with the 14th Army Corps, to his father, describing the reorganization of the army. Also included is a January 1897 biennial report of the Central Hospital for the Insane near Nashville.

Biographical/Historical Note

Arthur Allyn (1843-1914) served as a Union soldier with General J. W. Sill's division, 4th brigade, 14th Army Corps in the Civil War.


Collection consists of a single folder.

Acquisition Note

Collection was purchased by Special Collections in February 2004.

Repository Details

Part of the Betsey B. Creekmore Special Collections and University Archives, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Repository

University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Knoxville TN 37996 USA