Box 1
Contains 6 Results:
Letter from Boyd to Margaret Boyd (his mother), 1862 September 14
Letter from Boyd in camp near Nashville to Margaret Boyd, 1863 February 22
Sends salutations to family and prizes his mother's gift. Expresses a desire to write to friends. Describes camp life, the horrors of war, and the surrounding physical environment near the Cumberland river. Surprised about seeing a name written on the side of a cliff.
Letter from Boyd at Shellmound Station, Tenn., to John Boyd, 1863 November 15
Letter from Boyd in Whitesides, Tenn., to Margaret Boyd, 1864 January 21
Letter from Boyd in Shellmound Station, Tenn. to his Father and Mother, 1864 January 28
Letter from Boyd to John Boyd, undated
Congratulates father for finding a job and wants to live in a good house
built by him. Tells about the fighting ability of his regiment and their activities in the hinterland. Describes the destruction of secesh
property and his disgust for rebels. Describes how he wants his salary spent and lists family members and friends who have been sent letters.
(partial document)