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Letter from Boyd to Margaret Boyd (his mother), 1862 September 14

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1, item: 1

Dear Mother, I take my pen in hand to let you know that I am well at present, hoping you are doing the same. We was mustered in yesterday evening I enlisted on august the 17 on Monday morning we will get our Money monday or Tuesday and as quick as I get it I will send it home last Sunday I sent a letter with two rings in it and a breast pin I suppose you have got it before now I wrote a letter to Arch last Sunday tell me how you are getting along... I am doing very well now Edward utter is in a Wabash company he is in our regiment if it had not been for that company we would not been mustered in the service yet I seen John Cook yesterday morning he took away his sword from his hand , and put him in the guard house there is 8 regt here and one regt of artillery I like soldiering first rate we don't know how long we will be here tell me how johnny is getting along and maggy watter and Charly I would like to see you all I forgot little byron I paid john hinton one dollar and 20 cents for fetching me over I was the only paid him anything for the trip tell Johnson that all the secesh all went away and I could not get over in the barrack to get one give my best respects to all the family no more at present

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  • 1862 September 14

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From the Collection: 0.1 Linear Feet (1 folder)

Repository Details

Part of the Betsey B. Creekmore Special Collections and University Archives, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Repository

University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Knoxville TN 37996 USA