Letter, Wilbur P. Buck to Charlotte Lottie
Smith, 1863 June 23
Officers Hospital
Memphis Tenn
June 23rd 1863
Dear Lottie
I wrote you but a few days ago—but forgot to answer one question you asked me—You wished to know how Gust Fletcher was getting along.
It pains me to inform you he is no more—He died from his wounds nine days ago. I saw him but a few moments before he died, and I asked him if he wished me to write to his Mother and he said he did—But I could not ascertain by him (because he was at times delirious)... where she lived. I believe you live somewhere near some of his relatives, and you can inform them of the sad news.
Our regt. was badly cut up as you probably heard before you left Marengo.
Lt. Sponable of Co. A. died in this City a few days ago. Maj. Avery is in this Hospital. He was wounded—is doing well.
I have no more to write you. If Fletcher’s folks wish any information concerning his remains, they can communicate to me.
I feel better today
Yours, WB
- 1863 June 23
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Part of the Betsey B. Creekmore Special Collections and University Archives, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Repository