Showing Collections: 1 - 6 of 6
Arthur Seymour Scrapbooks
This collection houses two scrapbooks compiled by Arthur G. Seymour documenting his time at the University of Tennessee. They include articles and mementos from University events, Kappa Sigma membership, and the many activities and honors of Seymour himself.
Chi Delta Phi Magazine and Pin
This collection houses a Chi Delta Phi (University of Tennessee Chapter) magazine entitled The Litterateur dating from March of 1940 and a membership pin. The magazine includes literary pieces written by Chi Delta Phi members and the membership pin is engraved with the name Betty Greer and date Feb. 15, 1940.
Mildred Simpson Scrapbook
Philomathian Society Catalog
A library catalog for the Philomathian Society at Cumberland University in Tennessee. The catalog includes a list of books in the society's library from May 20, 1844. There is also a chronological account of books borrowed between 1845 and 1848 from the library. This list includes surname of borrower, book number (which corresponds to the book list), date borrowed and returned.
Traditions and Football Slide Collection
This collection contains slides depicting homecoming, Carnicus, intramural games, and UT football games in 1987 and 1988.
University of Tennessee Freshman Cap
This collection houses a single freshman cap worn by first-year students at the University of Tennessee from the 1920’s to the 1940’s. The cap is made of green felt and displays an orange UT symbol on its front.