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Special Collections Online at UT

Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 33

A. E. Bishop Letter to Joseph Mayberry

Identifier: MS-0727

In this letter to Joseph Mayberry in Knoxville, Tennessee, Andrew Bishop (who is being held as a prisoner of war at Point Lookout, Maryland) appeals to Mayberry's generous spirit for some small pecuniary assistance ... to get some small necessary articles. Bishop served with the 3rd East Tennessee Infantry (CSA) before his capture. Researchers should note that Mayberry should most likely be spelled Mabry.

Dates: 1864 June 19

Albert S. Bayless Letter

Identifier: MS-3212

This letter, written 1867 January 29, describes an attack on the 9th Tennessee Cavalry by a group of Confederate guerilla soldiers. Bayless is writing to Brownlow at Brownlow's request, and the letter is meant to detail the circumstances of Confederate guerilla John Pride's death.

Dates: 1867 January 29

Albert Woodcock Letter

Identifier: MS-2792

Captain Albert Woodcock wrote this letter to "Dearest Leute" from camp near Franklin, Tennessee on May 6, 1863. In it, he describes daily life in camp, including a detailed diagram of the infantry's position.

Dates: 1863 May 6

Civil War Letter to James

Identifier: MS-1281

This collection consists of one handwritten letter addressed to James (assumed to be James Buren of Rogersville) from his father dated July 16, 1862 in Mill Bend, Rogersville, Tennessee. The father writes about family and friends, promotion and conscription in the army, and other updates. Included in the collection is a typed transcription of the letter.

Dates: 1862 July 16

Clifford E. Keenan Papers

Identifier: MS-2075

This collection houses correspondence, photographs, and military memorabilia documenting Clifford Edward Keenan's service and death with the 505th Parachute Infantry during World War II.

Dates: 1942-1944

Edgar Johnson Letters

Identifier: MS-2957

This collection consists of three letters written from Newburn, Tennessee, between December 4, 1917 and March 28, 1918 by Edgar Johnson of Company E of the 306th Ammunition Train (81st Division). The letters are addressed to Johnson's wife, Etta, and daughter, Lila, and discuss camp life, life at home, and the possibility of returning home for a visit.

Dates: 1917 December 4-1918 March 28

Elijah A. Hawn Papers

Identifier: MS-1047

This collection contains six letters of personal correspondence between Elijah Hawn and his wife Nancy dated from May 26, 1862 through June 16, 1863. Also included are form no. 79 from the U.S. Treasury Department (which allows for Nancy to be granted a widow’s pension), a letter from the Department of the Interior rejecting her widow’s pension on the grounds that she remarried, and a division of land agreement.

Dates: 1862 May 26-1872 August 3

Felix Kirk Letter

Identifier: MS-2152

Felix Kirk wrote this letter to his father, John Kirk, from Knoxville on November 14, 1861. In it, he discuses a recent illness, mentions "some old union devil who burned a bridge," and describes his unit's recent activities in Chattanooga and Knoxville. The reverse of the letter's final page bears a printed poem entitled "Dixie: Southrons, hear your Country Call You!"

Dates: 1861 November 14

George W. Douglas Letter

Identifier: MS-2142

In a letter written February 4, 1865 from the Officers' Hospital in Knoxville, Tenn., to Colonel Cross, George W. Douglas writes concerning his desire for an artifical leg to help him walk.

Dates: 1865 February 4

George W. Ross Letter

Identifier: MS-2151

In this letter to his sister, Rebecca F. Ross, George W. Ross relates news about his service with the Indiana 8th Cavalry. This letter was mailed from Nashville, Tennessee.

Dates: 1863 November 15

Henry A. Colvin Special Order

Identifier: MS-2140
Abstract Special order number 71 dated September 14, 1865 from the Unites States Army Headquarters, Department of Tennessee orders Capt. H. A. Colvin, of the AAG Volunteers formerly of the 12th Tennessee Cavalry to Decatur, Alabama from Nashville, Tennessee. He was to procure the missing rolls and returns of Tennessee. The Special Order is counter stamped Transportat'n furnished from Nashville, Tenn. to Chattanooga via Decatur and Huntsville by Capt. S. B. Brown ACM. at the cost of (blank) on the 18...
Dates: 1865

Howard Hopkins Letter

Identifier: MS-2799

In this letter, dated January 17, 1864 at LaGrange, Tenn., Howard Hopkins of the 3rd Regiment Michigan Calvary writes to his cousin Abbie Watson Clyde of Wayne County, N.Y.

Dates: 1864 January 17

J. P. Hollowell Letter

Identifier: MS-3406

J. P. Hollowell wrote this letter to his sister, Sallie Hollowell, from camp in Bowling Green, Kentucky. In it, he mentions that his unit has been looking for a fight, but their location is too well fortified. Hollowell also apologizes for not being home for Christmas and says that he wants a new pair of pants.

Dates: 1862 January 3

J. S. Hanna Letter

Identifier: MS-3168

A handwritten letter from J. S. Hanna to an unknown recipient written circa November 24, 1862 from Fort Saunderson, Bolivar, TN. The letter discusses his time at his time at the fort including sickness and weather.

Dates: circa 1862 November 24

J. T. Sloan Correspondence and Other Materials

Identifier: MS-3514
Abstract The first section of this collection houses letters written to J. T. Sloan regarding events at home. Although the majority of Sloan's correspondents lived in Nashville, he also received letters from friends and family in Murfreesboro (Tenn.), Birmingham (Ala.), Memphis (Tenn.), and Atlanta (Ga.). The second section houses letters that J. T. Sloan wrote describing his life in camp and in the field, reporting on family members and friends also serving in the Army, and expressing his desire...
Dates: 1914 December 25-1920 January 13, 1938 July 4-11

Jacob Rowland Letters

Identifier: MS-2776
Abstract This collection consists of two letters from Union soldier Jacob Rowland to his sister, Olive. The first letter, dated January 26, 1865, is sent from Knoxville, Tenn., where Rowland reports of "...quiet times here in Knoxville just now occasionally review as inspection we moved our camp last Tuesday. We were on the south side of the river about 1 1/2 miles from the city. Now we are quartered inside of the breast works right in the suburbs..." The second letter, dated February 20, 1865, is...
Dates: 1865 January 26-February 20

James Cooper Letter

Identifier: MS-2162

This collection contains a letter from Confederate soldier Jason Cooper, dated December 5, 1863 from Dalton, Georgia. Written "To his dear friend Farley," Cooper writes about the Confederate evacuation of Chattanooga.

Dates: 1863 December 5

James K. P. Sayler Papers

Identifier: MS-2262

The James K. P. Sayler Papers, 1857-1943, contain correspondence, writings and speeches, bills, contracts, and other papers related to the life of Sayler, a Confederate soldier stationed in Vicksburg, Mississippi, during the Civil War. Among the topics discussed are pre-Civil War politics (particularly in Missouri), military life and movement during the war, and educational and religious theory.

Dates: 1857-1943

Julius E. Thomas Diary and Daybook

Identifier: MS-2170

This collection contains the diary and daybook of Union soldier Julius E. Thomas, 2nd Sergeant and Chief Bugler of Company F, 1st Tennessee Cavalry. Entries range from August 5, 1864 through April 5, 1865. Thomas writes about the movement of his company throughout Tennessee. Additionally, the entries cover topics such as supplies, battles, sermons, and Thomas’s feelings about being a soldier.

Dates: 1864-1865

M. H. Owen Letter

Identifier: MS-3408

M. H. Owen wrote this letter to his sister from Fort Pillow on March 22, 1862. In it, he describes his trip from Columbus, Kentucky to Fort Pillow and mentions the other regiments stationed there with him.

Dates: 1862 March 22

Filtered By

  • Subject: Soldiers -- Tennessee -- Correspondence. X

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Tennessee -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 19
Tennessee -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. 10
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. 10
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 10
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Correspondence. 5
∨ more
Kentucky -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 4
Confederate States of America. Army. Tennessee Infantry Regiment, 13th. 3
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Prisoners and prisons. 3
World War, 1939-1945 -- United States. 3
Humboldt (Tenn.) -- History. 2
Knoxville (Tenn.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 2
Parachute troops -- United States. 2
Soldiers -- Illinois -- Correspondence. 2
United States -- Politics and government -- 1861-1865. 2
United States. Army Air Forces. 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Europe. 2
Baptists -- Southern States -- History -- 19th century. 1
Binghamton (N.Y.) -- History. 1
Bolivar (Tenn.) -- History. 1
Chattanooga (Tenn.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 1
Confederate States of America. Army -- History. 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Louisiana Infantry Regiment, 1st. 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Tennessee Infantry Regiment, 18th. 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Tennessee Infantry Regiment, 23rd. 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Tennessee Infantry Regiment, 31st. 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Tennessee Infantry Regiment, 3rd. 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Tennessee Infantry Regiment, 60th. 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Tennessee Infantry Regiment, 6th. 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Tennessee Mounted Infantry, 61st. 1
Corinth (Miss.) -- History. 1
Correspondence. 1
Education -- Tennessee. 1
Floods -- New York (State). 1
Florida -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. 1
Fort Sanders, Battle of, Knoxville, Tenn., 1863. 1
Franklin, Battle of, Franklin, Tenn., 1864. 1
Gibson County (Tenn.) -- History. 1
Greene County (Tenn.) 1
Kentucky -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. 1
Knoxville (Tenn.) -- History -- Siege, 1863. 1
Knoxville (Tenn.) -- History. 1
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Assassination. 1
Loudon County (Tenn.) 1
Michigan -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. 1
Military pensions -- Tennessee. 1
Nashville (Tenn.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 1
Nashville (Tenn.) -- History. 1
Nashville (Tenn.) -- Social life and customs. 1
New York (State) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 1
Point Lookout (Md.) -- History. 1
Presbyterians -- Tennessee. 1
Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) -- Tennessee. 1
Soldiers -- Florida -- Correspondence. 1
Soldiers -- Georgia -- Correspondence. 1
Soldiers -- New York (State) -- Correspondence. 1
Tennessee -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal Narratives, Confederate. 1
Tennessee -- Religion. 1
Tennessee -- Social life and customs. 1
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Engineering and construction. 1
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Hospitals. 1
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Manuscripts. 1
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Medical care. 1
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Religious aspects. 1
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Women. 1
United States. Army. Indiana Cavalry Regiment, 8th (1863-1865). 1
United States. Army. Michigan Cavalry Regiment, 3rd (1861-1866). 1
United States. Army. Ohio Heavy Artillery Regiment, 2nd (1863-1865) 1
United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regiment, 90th (1861-1864). 1
United States. Army. Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, 12th (1861-1865). 1
United States. Army. Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, 1st (1862-1865). 1
United States. Army. Tennessee Infantry Regiment, 2nd (1861-1865) 1
United States. Army. Tennessee Infantry Regiment, 8th (1862-1865). 1
Vicksburg (Miss.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 1
Women -- Southern States. 1
World War, 1914-1918 -- Campaigns -- France. 1
World War, 1914-1918 -- Personal narratives, American. 1
World War, 1914-1918 -- United States. 1
World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American. 1
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