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Special Collections Online at UT

Showing Collections: 201 - 220 of 333

Logan Goodpasture Service Records

Identifier: MS-3172

This collection consists of two service records from the Adjutant General's Office in Nashville, Tennessee for Logan Goodpasture, dated November 22, 1894. They confirm that he served with Company F of the 13th Regiment Tennessee Cavalry Volunteers during the Civil War.

Dates: 1894 November 22

M. D. Wilson Letter

Identifier: MS-3840

A single handwritten letter by Confederate soldier M. D. Wilson stationed at Cumberland Gap, TN on August 4, 1863.

Dates: 1863 August 4

M. H. Owen Letter

Identifier: MS-3408

M. H. Owen wrote this letter to his sister from Fort Pillow on March 22, 1862. In it, he describes his trip from Columbus, Kentucky to Fort Pillow and mentions the other regiments stationed there with him.

Dates: 1862 March 22

M. S. Charles Diary

Identifier: MS-0046

M. S. Charles began keeping this diary in 1863. In it, he describes battalion training and events that took place around Clarksville, Tennessee. Also included are half of a military pass, a scrap of paper reading Mr Littleton, and a poem clipped from an unidentified newspaper.

Dates: 1863

Marcus Richardson Correspondence

Identifier: MS-3732

A four-page handwritten letter, signed "MR" by Lieutenant Marcus Richardson, sent to Captain Joseph Washington Anderson. Written from Cumberland Gap, Tenn., the letter details the reconnaissance and skirmish that took place at Cumberland Gap in the days prior under the command of Major General Edmund Kirby Smith. The letter is dated March 23, 1862.

Dates: 1862 March 23

Margaret Barton Crozier Ramsey Diary

Identifier: MS-0322
Abstract Margaret Barton Crozier Ramsey kept this diary while she was in exile in North Carolina during and shortly after the Civil War. In it, she describes the destruction of her home in Tennessee, her journey to and life in North Carolina, the churches she attended, her religious views, her homesickness for her life in Tennessee, and her feelings toward the Union Army. She also relates family news, including news of her sons and other family members serving in the Confederate Army. This document...
Dates: 1864-1885

Marion Bennett Ledger and Ambrotype

Identifier: MS-2882
Abstract This collection consists primarily of a ledger that Marion Bennett compiled between 1886 and 1925. He begins with a brief history of the 59th Indiana Infantry, describing the unit's travel down the Mississippi River through such cities as New Madrid, Corinth, Moscow, and Memphis, the battles and campaigns they participated in (including the Siege of Vicksburg, the Atlanta Campaign, and Sherman's March to the Sea), and their travel through such battle sites as Chattanooga, Mission Ridge,...
Dates: circa 1860s; 1886 October 3-1925

Marquis D. L. Burnett Collection

Identifier: MS-2527
Abstract The Marquis D. L. Burnett Collection, 1846-2000 (bulk 1862-1894), contains a memo book, photograph, and documents pertaining to Lt. Col. Marquis D. L. Burnett. Among other things, the memo book records Burnett's experiences during the Civil War (1862-63), lists accounts for soldiers' provisions, and provides descriptions of Burnett's career as a Baptist minister (1871-79), including notes on ordination services, reports of service and labor, etc. The copied documents include Burnett's 1846...
Dates: 1846-2000; Majority of material found within 1862-1894

Marquis D. L. Burnett Military Discharge Certificate

Identifier: MS-2098

This certificate indicates that Marquis D. L. Burnett of Knoxville, Tennessee, who served as a Lieutenant Colonel in the 5th Regiment of the East Tennessee Infantry Volunteers, was honorably discharged. It is a replacement for his original discharge papers, which were issued on August 3, 1862.

Dates: 1884 April 23

Mary Costillo Nickolds Memoir

Identifier: MS-0183

This collection consists of a typescript copy of Mary Costillo Nickolds's memoir, "Reminiscences of my Childhood and Youth."

Dates: 1941 September

Mary Francis (Fannie) Smith Family Papers

Identifier: MS-3029
Abstract The collection contains thirty Civil War letters written to and from Binghamton, New York and a variety of places in Tennessee. Some of the letters are written on paper provided by the U. S. Christian Commission. Most of the letters still have their original envelopes, some with postmarks and stamps still affixed. The letters from Binghamton are written by Eliza Smith and D. D. Cooley, a friend of the family. The letters from Tennessee are written by William and Alfred Smith. There are also...
Dates: 1865; 1904-1920

Matthew A. Cowden and George A. Gammon Letters

Identifier: MS-3209

This collection houses several letters written by Union soldier Matthew A. Cowden to his family in Pennsylvania and by Confederate soldier George A. Gammon. Cowden's letters illustrate the hardships of being a soldier, his longing for home, and his confidence in the Union Army's ability to defeat the Confederates. Gammon's letter shows an extreme hatred for the Union Army and speculates on movement of the Confederate Army in the coming days.

Dates: 1863 November 19-December 29

Maynard Family Letters

Identifier: MS-2359
Abstract This collection houses transcriptions of 42 letters written to and between members of the Maynard family from 1841 to 1913. Horace and Laura (Washburn) Maynard write the earliest letters to Laura's parents, Azel and Sarah Washburn, in Royalston, Vermont during the 1840s. Of the remaining letters, some are written from Edward Maynard Sr. to family members and many are addressed to his son, Edward Maynard Jr. The majority of the letters to Edward Maynard Jr. were written by his grandmother...
Dates: 1841 March 27-1913 February 6

McAmis Family Papers

Identifier: MS-3358
Abstract The bulk of this collection consists of letters that family and friends in Tazewell, Tennessee wrote to Mattie (Weir) McAmis in Birmingham, Alabama during the Civil War. Many of these letters were authored by Mattie's eldest daughters, Mary and Maggie. These letters, while mostly personal in content, also discuss Corinth, Mississippi and describe East Tennessee during the Federal occupation of early 1862. The collection also houses correspondence written to and from Mattie (McAmis) Mitchell...
Dates: 1860 March 10-1944 December 16 (bulk 1861-1866, 1944)

Memorandum of Marches of John Durham

Identifier: MS-2164

This document describes the Civil War service and movements of John Durham.

Dates: 1861-1863

Memphis Freedmen's Bureau Report

Identifier: MS-3240

This collection consists of a four page report detailing events in the Memphis, Tennessee district of the Freedmen's Bureau during the month of May 1864. The writer, Captain T. A. Walker of the 63rd Infantry Regiment (Colored Troops), describes the city of Memphis (particularly its schools) as well as the contraband camps of Holly Springs, Shiloh, and President's Island.

Dates: 1864 May 31

Milford Clark Butler Letter

Identifier: MS-2794

In this four-page letter, dated May 14, 1861, Milford Clark Butler of Knoxville, Tenn. writes to his sister America in Oregon. He expresses to her the political and economic climate of the border states from his point of view in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Dates: 1861 May 14

Milton Weaver Collection

Identifier: MS-2128
Abstract The Milton Weaver Collection contains a number of letters dating from the American Civil War describing in detail Union military camp conditions and drills, the environment of Tennessee, military operations in Middle Tennessee and Georgia (including Nashville, Stones River, Chattanooga, and Sherman's campaign in Georgia), opinions about Confederates and Copperheads, family life during the war, and the emotional trauma of conflict. The collection also includes several poems written by Milton...
Dates: 1856-1894

Moses Owen Letter

Identifier: MS-3239

Moses Owen of the 7th Ohio Infantry, Company F, wrote this letter to his mother on February 18, 1862, just after the Battle of Fort Donelson.

Dates: 1862 February 18

Mrs. Robert L. Dickerson Letter to Richard B. Davis

Identifier: MS-1095

This collection consists of a handwritten letter from Mrs. Robert L. Dickerson to Professor Richard B. Davis briefly describing her family history, mostly her grandfather and his family.

Dates: 1950 February 13

Filtered By

  • Subject: Tennessee -- History. X
  • Subject: Tennessee -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. X
  • Subject: Tennessee -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. X

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Tennessee -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 295
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 162
Soldiers -- Ohio -- Correspondence. 43
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. 42
Tennessee -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. 40
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Knoxville (Tenn.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 29
Soldiers -- Tennessee -- Correspondence. 24
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Correspondence. 23
Tennessee -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal Narratives, Confederate. 13
Tennessee, East -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 9
Chattanooga (Tenn.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 8
Knoxville (Tenn.) -- History -- Siege, 1863. 8
Soldiers -- Indiana -- Correspondence. 8
Soldiers -- Michigan -- Correspondence. 8
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Prisoners and prisons. 8
Correspondence. 7
Kentucky -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 7
Knoxville (Tenn.) -- History. 7
Nashville (Tenn.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 7
Shiloh, Battle of, Tenn., 1862. 7
Soldiers -- Illinois -- Correspondence. 7
Soldiers -- Wisconsin -- Correspondence. 7
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Campaigns. 7
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, African-American. 7
Chattanooga, Battle of, Chattanooga, Tenn., 1863. 6
Memphis (Tenn.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 6
Memphis (Tenn.) -- History. 6
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories. 6
United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regiment, 14th (1861-1865). 6
Knox County (Tenn.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 5
Nashville, Battle of, Nashville, Tenn., 1864. 5
Slavery -- Tennessee 5
Soldiers -- Pennsylvania -- Correspondence. 5
Tennessee -- Politics and government -- 1861-1865. 5
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Medical care. 5
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives, Confederate. 5
Vicksburg (Miss.) -- History -- Siege, 1863. 5
Fort Donelson, Battle of, Tenn., 1862. 4
Mississippi -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 4
Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) -- Tennessee. 4
Soldiers -- Alabama -- Correspondence. 4
Soldiers -- Iowa -- Correspondence. 4
Soldiers -- Tennessee. 4
Tennessee -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, African-American. 4
Tennessee -- Politics and government. 4
Tennessee -- Religion. 4
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Women. 4
Alabama -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 3
Confederate States of America. Army. 3
Confederate States of America. Army. Alabama Cavalry Battalion, 1st. 3
Confederate States of America. Army. Tennessee Infantry Regiment, 13th. 3
Copperhead movement. 3
Cumberland Gap Campaign, 1862. 3
Fort Sanders, Battle of, Knoxville, Tenn., 1863. 3
Freedmen -- Tennessee. 3
Governors -- Tennessee. 3
Ohio -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. 3
Stones River, Battle of, Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1862-1863. 3
Tennessee -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental Histories. 3
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Diaries. 3
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Protest movements. 3
United States -- Politics and government -- 1861-1865. 3
United States. Army. Michigan Cavalry Regiment, 10th (1863-1865). 3
United States. Army. Michigan Cavalry Regiment, 8th (1862-1865). 3
United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regiment, 64th (1861-1865). 3
United States. Army. Wisconsin Cavalry Regiment, 1st (1861-1865). 3
Vicksburg (Miss.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 3
Virginia -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 3
Bolivar (Tenn.) -- History. 2
Civil war -- Fiction. 2
Cumberland County (Tenn.) -- History. 2
Cumberland Gap (Tenn.) 2
Franklin, Battle of, Franklin, Tenn., 1864. 2
Georgia -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 2
Greeneville (Tenn.). 2
Hawkins County (Tenn.) -- History. 2
Illinois -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. 2
Illinois -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories. 2
Indiana -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 2
Kentucky -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. 2
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Assassination. 2
Lookout Mountain (Appalachian Mountains). 2
Lookout Mountain, Battle of, Tenn., 1863. 2
Mexican War, 1846-1848 -- Personal narratives, American. 2
Michigan -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. 2
Military chaplains -- United States. 2
Morristown (Tenn.) -- History. 2
Murfreesboro (Tenn.) -- History. 2
Ohio -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 2
Perryville, Battle of, Perryville, Ky., 1862. 2
Photographs. 2
Resaca, Battle of, Resaca, Ga., 1864. 2
Richmond (Va.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 2
Soldiers -- Georgia -- Correspondence. 2
Soldiers -- Illinois -- Diaries. 2
Soldiers -- Massachusetts -- Correspondence. 2
Soldiers -- New York (State) -- Correspondence. 2
Soldiers -- North Carolina -- Correspondence. 2
Soldiers -- Ohio. 2
Tennessee -- Politics and government -- 1865-1950. 2
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